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Frequently Asked Questions

- Is there a charge for me to view the site?
No, there is no charge to look at listings, parks, or resources. Surf to your hearts content! - If I am interested in a property to buy or rent, do I contact you?
You will contact the seller or their agent directly. Either a phone number or e-mail address, or both will be found in the listing for each property. We cannot answer questions about properties or make arrangements for viewings. - If I want to sell my home, do I call you?
There is an area online for sellers and it will explain how to add your listing. The same is true of those who wish to list a property for rent. - What if the seller is misleading on the information provided?
Our User Agreement explains that we cannot be responsible for the information provided or for the honesty of buyers or sellers. If you find a problem with a listing or discover misleading facts about a property, please contact us as soon as possible. We will make every effort to resolve the question, or in extreme cases, we will remove the listing. - If I list a property and want to change the price or other information, how do I do that?
Please contact us and we will make any necessary changes for you. - Do you share my personal information with any other sites or companies?
No. The information we retrieve is strictly for our own use. It will not be shared with any other person or organization. - Is this a secure site?
Our secure server software encrypts all of your credit card information including number, name, and address, so that it cannot be read as the information travels over the Internet. The encryption process takes the characters you enter and converts them into bits of code that are securely transmitted over the Internet. If you are moving from a secure area back to an area that is not secure (such as property listing areas), you may receive a message that the area you are transferring to is not secure. Don't be concerned. It means that you are leaving a secure (credit card info area) to return to a general information area. All credit card information is secure. - I don't have a credit card but want to list my property. How do I do that?
You will need to send a money order, not a personal check. The money order will be assigned to: All Senior Housing, Inc., our parent company. When the money order is received, we will contact you and you can then enter your property information. - I am a new buyer and wonder about the questions I should ask. Can you help me?
There is a section with Tips for Buyers that will provide some information, but always contact an attorney if you have legal questions. - When listing a property are there things I should consider?
There is a section with Tips for Sellers that will provide some information, but always contact an attorney if you have legal questions. - As a sales and listing agent, can I list my properties on this site?
Yes, we have made it easy for agents to list multiple properties and to make changes as necessary. Please visit our Create an Agent Account section. - Do you accept advertising?
Advertising opportunities exist in our Community Resource Area for each city and state. It is an opportunity for local companies to share their information with potential new residents and for interested buyers to become aware of businesses in the area that welcome Senior customers. Please contact us for more information.