Information For Sellers

SeniorMobiles.Com is the premier site to sell a mobile/manufactured home in a seniors community. Consistently at the top of the search engines, the site is also marketed throughout the country, utilizing the print medium as well as various broadcasting methods. Agents also add their listings, so if you have a sales agent, remind them to include your home in SeniorMobiles.Com.
This website is the equivalent of an MLS (multi list system) in the Real Estate market. It allows potential buyers to interact directly with sellers (or their agents) when looking for a home. Listing a property though SeniorMobiles.Com allows sellers the most bang for their buck. Rather than just placing a "For Sale" sign in the window and hoping someone will drive by, this site markets your property to potential buyers throughout the country, and the world, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Buyers are notified via our user agreement that this site is a mechanism for buyers and sellers to find one another and that we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided, nor the honesty of the buyer or seller. The parties should consult an attorney if there are questions about sales agreements, down payments, occupancy, closing costs, terms, conditions, etc.
Sellers will be asked to provide certain information about the property and will be given the opportunity to describe it in more detail and to list 5 pictures at the normal price of $39.95 until the home is sold or for one year, whichever comes first. An option will be given to list 2 more pictures for a one time fee of $10. "Featured Homes" are listed on the home (front) page for two weeks. They are listed on a "first come, first served" basis. The cost for a first page, premiere listing is an additional $35 for a two week period. If those slots are currently occupied, the seller will be added to a list and will be notified (and billed) when an opening exists. If you have any questions about this policy, please feel free to contact us.
- $39.95 for one year or until home is sold (whichever comes first)
- $5.00 each for up to 2 additional pictures (one time charge)
- $35.00 for a two week placement on the home page under "Featured Listings"
- $20 for a one week placement under "Featured Listings"
- Seller may list the property online, providing all information and pictures requested.
- Seller may fill out the online form and send digital pictures or regular camera pictures by mail, for SeniorMobiles.Com to scan and enter. The listing will be available online as soon as possible. Pictures will be entered within two business days of receipt by SeniorMobiles.Com. SeniorMobiles.Com will make every effort to provide a good image of regular pictures, but they must be scanned, and the quality of scanned images, although usually fine, cannot be guaranteed.
- Seller may be mailed or faxed a listing form and may return both, with pictures, by mail. The listing and pictures will be available online within two business days of receipt by SeniorMobiles.Com., however, pictures will not be returned.
- SeniorMobiles.Com will make every effort to provide a good image of regular pictures, but they must be scanned, and the quality of scanned images cannot be guaranteed.