
Thanks so much Seniormobiles for helping me sell my mobile home. In this market that's saying something! I had a number phone calls but the person who finally bought my home came from another state. He saw the picture on the features page when he went to your site. You were great (and easy) to work with.
Thanks so much! (for sale by owner)
This note is to advise you that my home has been sold. The contract for purchase was completed this past Thursday. Your advertisement greatly assisted me in finding a buyer. Thank you for your kind assistance and consideration.
Lem Reburg (for sale by owner)
We are from Minnesota and this summer we found your website. We bought a mobile home an agent had listed on your site,in Vero Beach Florida. We fixed it up and are now selling it, using your website. I would like to thank the staff at SeniorMobiles, who spenttime walking me through the listing process. I am sure I calledthem at least 15to 20 times today. Thanks to their patience, knowledge and understanding,my listing is up and running. I feel confident they have done everything in their power to make my listing the bestitpossibly canbe.
Gretchen Bye (for sale by owner)
I sold my listing listing in 1 week, thank you! It worked very well. They called off your site.
Joe (For Sale by Owner)
..."Improved my positioning in the local Senior Mobile Home Sales industry and enjoyed a scrumptious BLT at a local Vero Beach eatery . . . . all in one sitting."
I was so looking forward to taking a bite of the BLT when my cell phone rang. My first impulse was to let the call go to messaging, but I thought perhaps it might be a customer. The caller was Janell Lauer at SeniorMobiles.com. That was the call that greatly improved my positioning in the Senior Mobile Home sales industry. SeniorMobiles.com is a truly professional site, with a great support system and I would highly recommend it. I'd like to acknowledge credit, where it is due. My last two sales were buyers that contacted me through SeniorMobiles.com. I've scheduled an appointment for later this month with a couple from New Jersey. They're absolutely in love with one of my listings they viewed on SeniorMobiles.com. . . . "Let's make it a hat trick!" SeniorMobiles.com, great service, great results.
Respectfully, Janet Skouras
Hi-Lo Mobile Home Sales
Vero Beach, Florida 32966
...Since advertising with SeniorMobiles.com the response has been excellent. People find this an interesting web site particularly when they can view the inside of the home. The staff are extremely helpful and we intend keep working with them.
Thank you,
Doreen Kelly Marvin's Mfg. Home Sales
...I really likeyour site and the personal attention you give to your customers. In the past I got more inquiries from your site than any other I've tried. I plan to recommend your site to anyone I know who is trying to sell a mobile home. You people care. Thanks again!
Joyce J. (For Sale by Owner)
...Thanks, the site looks great.
C. D. Sadler (For sale by owner)
...The first hitsaid value to me. I wanted you to know that we were getting hits. First hits, then sales. Thanks again.
...Congratulations on your successful website. The manufactured home market needs you! Thanks to your website we have rented our home for 4 months(Jan-Apr) But I would still like to keep the home advertised "for sale". Thanks!
J Spencer (For sale/rent by owner)
...It's alwaysa pleasure doing business with you folks at Senior Mobiles.
Joyce Justice (owner - listed with agent)
...Good morning: I wanted to thank you for letting me know about this great website. It is a great way for people to get an overview of what is on the market, the condition of the property, and price. It is also a great way for sellers to have their properties advertised to a market looking for these specific properties.
Thanks again,
Terry Lupien Morin Real Estate
Thanks for another sale! Closed on 275 Swan Lane #11357.
Janet Hi-Lo Mobile Home Sales
As the broker/owner of Sundancer Manufactured Home Sales in Mesa, Arizona, I have sold 2 homes that were listed on the SeniorMobiles.com website for only 2 weeks. It has really paid off for me and my company.
Thanks SeniorMobiles!
Regards, Carolynne Barela
Hi! I am happy to report that we sold our mom's trailer! Thanks so much for this great website. The buyer saw the home on your website. They were from New York.They purchased it as soon as they saw it in person. They were not the only people who called but they acted the fastest. The park in FL said they hadn't sold a home in over 3 months - I told them to check out your website!
Thanks again,
P.L.(for sale by owner)
Just wanted to thank you for contacting me and introducing me to the website, Seniormobiles.com. At first it was a little confusing to get started. But as I got into it, the work became easier and easier. And the responses I have received have made it all worthwhile. I look forward every evening to my emails, and have received many inquiries. About 2 weeks ago, I made my first sale from exposure to the website. I know there will be more.
Thanks again for all your help.
Marge Saredy, Lake Griffin Isles
I placed two listings on the website. Thanks for the opportunity, my sellers are impressed!
Best Regards
Verlayn McManus,
RE/MAX Northwest Realtor
I put another listing on yesterday afternoon and sold it last night. I have another Internet customer coming down this week, I'll let you know what happens. I have 3 in contract, 2 were from your site.
Thanks again,
Janet (agent)
I have to tell you how much I appreciate you getting in touch with me about listing on your site. Since you put one of my listings on the featured page, I had over 100 hits on it and 20 to 40 on my other listings. The way you have the listings set up by agents is great. I haveplaced my listings on another site but it is not near as effective as yours. Everything about Senior Mobiles, from the ease in setting up the listings to the way the search for homes is formatted is perfect.
Thanks again.
Kathy Matthews
Blue Sky MHS